Tuesday, July 23, 2013

What noise?

Paul brought me home some new headphones. This is how they make me feel:

These are Skullcrushers by Skullcandy, purchased on sale at Radio Shack. Yes, my husband still shops at Radio Shack. These headphones have a "bass amplified subwoofer" that requires a single AA battery. Um, yeah, I tried it. It's kind of fun to use it for songs on which you wouldn't normally amplify the bass, such as Imagine Dragons' "Tiptoe." Skullcrushers make all the bad noises go away:

Paul: "Oh good. So now you won't be able to hear when the burglars come in and rob us."
Me: "Yeah. This is great 'cause it's so annoying when they break in and make a bunch of noise. Like 'Hey, I'm trying to work here.'"

Monday, July 8, 2013

What the blink

Putting together a draft letter to automakers, based on my recent road trips. Shocking how many cars are on the road without turn signal capabilities! This must be amended.

Dear Automobile Manufacturers,

I write to you as a concerned citizen.

I have just returned from a 5-hour journey that took me through 3 states (NJ, PA and NY), from rural to urban, on highways to dirt roads - this is a trip that encompasses it all. Safety is always a concern, requiring the driver to be alert and focused with tractor trailers clogging lanes and car-wrecked road-kill littering the road.

So it's with concern for the wellbeing of all travelers that I ask you to make turn signals standard equipment on all makes and models of your vehicles. Perhaps I was just lucky - turn signals were included with my Ford purchase - but I see so many other drivers struggling as cars change lanes with no notice. A little warning would be much appreciated - and so much safer!

I can only speak for NJ drivers, but as driving requires testing to gain a valid license, drivers in NJ know that turn signals are required business. Obviously, if turn signals were present in vehicles, drivers in NJ would be using them since not only is it the law but it's courteous, too!

I'm not exactly sure when you decided to remove turn signals from the standard car package, but I implore you to reintroduce turn signals into your standard packages to ensure that motorists are given the proper tools necessary to adhere to all driving laws, as well as fostering a safe environment for all drivers.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Don't hate; curate.

I love Robot Chicken. I think my dream job (for this week, anyway) would be shopping for the toys and building the sets for Robot Chicken. As I watch, I think about the places I could shop and what I could find, or even skits to make. I daydream in action figures. What can I say.

Watching Robot Chicken made me think about art school. Which made me think about goals. Which led me to realize I don't have any goals set for 2013. Could this be why this year has been so terrible? Unlikely, but I need some resolutions.

I don't make New Year's resolutions. Firstly, because it's my birthday. And while everyone is so excited for a fresh start, I am usually thinking, "Another year older. Great. I'm going to bed now." My champagne glass is usually half empty.

Secondly, I work better under pressure. With only 6 months left in the year, I am forced to realize my goals in a shorter time frame, providing little space for me to procrastinate.

Resolutions: 2013. 


I love books. I confess: I am a book hoarder. My library includes books I'll never read, college course required titles, pretty books, old books, gifted books, multiple copies of a single title...yup, hoarder. In my defense - no, there's no defending it. I straight up cannot stop buying books. So clearly that means I should read more - and probably more importantly, read more of the books I currently own. In an effort to help me read more, I've joined a local book club (so local I can walk to the meeting house). That should knock off at least 6 books from my goal of completing 13 reads for 2013.


I just want to, okay. Sheesh. Do I have to explain everything?!

Kidding. I remember how much I enjoyed writing in my younger days. Obviously this blog is an extension of that habit. There's got to be at least one good story in this head of mine, right? Or perhaps potential for well-crafted reviews? 


Last week, I cleaned off our refrigerator. It's sort of the dumping ground for all scraps of paper and assorted miscellany. With the random magnetic letters we have, I made a week chart (WED, THU, FRI, 5AI, UN, MO2, 7U3) and tacked up recipes I want to make. This has solved the frequent I'm-hungry-but-forgot-to-take-out-meat-from-the-freezer-so-now-I-can't-cook-with-it-and-will-only-end-up-throwing-it-away-in-a-week issue in my house, as well as the we-don't-have-anything-to-eat dilemma. Now I look and say, "Oh right, it's 7U3, I wanted to make that Turkey Cobb Salad [so good, by the way]," and remove said turkey from the freezer to thaw in time to make a proper meal. I also have desserts or random thinks, like Meyer Lemon Curd and a page from my Food Network Magazine (a great magazine) on homemade freeze-pops, so that I can have some fun cooking time, too.

By now, you're probably thinking, "Jessica, what is wrong with you? Did no one teach you life skills?"

To you I say, "Sure. Someone taught me skills. But as an independent-minded Capricorn who refuses to accept advice and will only learn by falling flat on her face first, I need to find my own way." Then I'd make a face at you and carry on typing...


Baking is more fun for me thank cooking. And another facet of my book hoarding: cook books. Oh man. I love 'em! All those neatly typed recipes and gorgeous photography. Plus, the editor in me loves finding the errors, like when an entire step is either repeated or left out. Mmmm, yeah that makes for some challenging stuff. So, anyway, I'd like to be more adventurous in my baking (ie, beyond chocolate chip cookies - as much as I love them!), using different ingredients and flavors and opening all these books I've accumulated.


The Longest Yard Sale (w/my mom). With finances tight, traveling will be limited...but watch out 2014! You owe me some travel.


As with writing, art has always been with me. With that, I need to do more of it. I would also like to build a piece of furniture. Maybe a table...I'll need to talk to my dad about this one.


As an admirer of Kanye West, I was inspired by his latest album's simplicity. From the packaging to the tracks, the curation of Yeezus is special. I've probably lost you - it's cool. But you could potentially miss the most important bit of this post by simply being a hater...ya hater: 

Curate life.

Museums don't display every piece of art they own; their basements are full of lesser pieces. Great writers don't over-explain scenes; they choose words carefully. Less is more (once a knuckle tattoo idea I considered). So, this year, I would like to downsize the amount of stuff I am holding on to and only keep the really, really good stuff. Whether that be unwanted books (yes! I will try to stop hoarding books), by-the-wayside friends who feel friendship is defined by birthday wishes via Facebook, knick-knacks, clothes, pounds, frustrations...and whatever else I can find. I'm going for clean, simple, and refined.